Statement in support and solidarity with the Sudanese revolution
Join us in solidarity with the Sudanese Revolution with your organization’s endorsement of our statement. Sign on via the form here.
Since December 2018, a massive popular revolution has been sparked by the Sudanese people against the military and fundamentalist regime of Omar al-Bashir, who ruled Sudan with iron and fire since his ascending to power through the military coup in 1989. However, the military establishment’s seizure of power and its continued control over the decision-making process still deprives the Sudanese people of self-rule through a democratic civilian system that fulfills the aspiration of the revolution.
The Sudanese people are still struggling to free Sudan of the domination of the military apparatus and its regional and international affiliations. They are still patiently, heroically and insistently continuing their revolutionary path under the leadership of their revolutionary national forces, foremost of which are the Sudanese Communist Party, the Resistance Committees, and the Professionals’ committes, with a pioneering and effective contribution from the women of Sudan, despite the extent of the internal conspiracy supported by the imperialist, Zionist and Arab reactionaries led by the regimes of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt.
We, the undersigned peoples’ organizations and parties from across the world, renew our unconditional support for the revolution of the Sudanese people and state that:
– We support the Sudanese revolutionary path, considering it a path that concerns the entire region, the continent and all peoples yearning for liberation, emancipation, democracy and socialism.
– We emphasize our readiness for all forms of solidarity and support for our comrades and our struggling people who are waging a bold and decisive battle against the rule of the military and the policies of circumventing the popular revolution that provided the dead, wounded and prisoners.
– We call upon on all the free peoples in our African continent and the world to create all forms of support for the revolution and the Sudanese people in the face of external interventions that want to impose reactionary settlements in favor of the parasitic classes and the deep state at the expense of the people and their aspirations.
Glory and victory for the Sudanese revolution!
Long live the will of the peoples of Africa for liberation and emancipation!
Arab Maghreb
- Morocco, Workers Democratic Way
- Tunisia, Workers Party
Sub Saharan Africa
- Benin, Communist Party of Benin
- Ghana, Socialist Movement of Ghana
- Ivory Coast, Communist Revolutionary party of Ivory Coast
- Kenya, The Socialist Workers Movement Kenya
- South Africa, Abahalali baseMjondolo
- South Africa, National Union of Metal Workers
- South Africa, Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party
- Zambia, Socialist Party of Zambia
Americas and the Caribbean
- Argentina, Federación Rural para la Producción y Arraigo
- Argentina, Movimiento Evita
- Argentina, Movimiento Popular Nuestramérica
- Argentina, Pátria Grande
- Brazil, Levante Popular da Juventude
- Brazil, MBP – Movimento Brasil Popular
- Brazil, MST – Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra
- Chile, Izquierda Libertaria
- Colombia, Congreso de los Pueblos
- Colombia, Coordinación Política y Social Marcha Patriótica
- Cuba, Centro Memorial Martin Luther King
- Guatemala, Comité de Unidad Campesina
- Haiti, PAPDA – Plateforme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif
- Panamá, FRENADESO – Frente Nacional por la Defensa de los Derechos Económicos y Sociales
- Trinidad and Tobago, OWTU – Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union
- United States, Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL)
- United States, The Peoples Forum
- Italy, Potere al Popolo
- Spain, Colectivo Memoria Viva de los Pueblos