Uniting in Struggle

We move the planet with unified action. See our latest activities and actions below and subscribe to our newsletter to get monthly updates.

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23 April, 2024

Declaration of the Youth Gathering of the IPA

Let us carry out our historic responsibility to end imperialism in our lifetime. We have a world to win!

17 April, 2024

Our martyrs continue to be present in our struggles – Newsletter In Movement 4 (2024)

This month, we invite you to join the international struggles of the International Day of Peasant Struggle and Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, both commemorated on April 17th.

17 April, 2024

Palestinian Prisoners’ Day is a national and international occasion

From the womb of suffering, emerged the towering figures of courage that refuse to live under oppression and subjugation; they are the male and female prisoners in the jails of occupation; they rebelled against injustice and refused to bow down. Words fail to describe their suffering and steadfastness. They are the pulse of heroism and the anthem of dignity.

19 March, 2024

Strengthening the Struggle on Palestinian Land Day – Newsletter In Movement 3 (2024)

We make a global call for mobilization on March 30th, Palestinian Land Day. See you on the streets and social media!

8 March, 2024

March 8: Defending the Lives and Territory of Palestinian Women

This March 8, we joined Capire, Utopix, and ALBA Movimientos in an artistic action featuring 44 posters from 17 countries in defense of Palestine.

Pro Palestine

2 March, 2024


Hundreds of organizations are participating in the March 2 global day of action in response to Israel’s threat to intensify the genocide in Gaza to horrific new heights with an all-out invasion of Rafah on March 10.

8 February, 2024

Join Red Books Day! – Newsletter ‘In Movement’ 2 (2024)

This month, we invite you to join Red Books Day, celebrated every year on 21 February; on this day in 1848, Marx and Engels published the Communist Manifesto

21 January, 2024

A Hundred Years Since We Lost Comrade Lenin

On January 21st, we commemorate the passing of Vladimir Lenin, a visionary leader whose indelible mark on history continues to inspire the fight for justice, equality, and socialism

20 January, 2024

Sudan: No to the detention of Haitham Dafallah, of Al-Maydan newspaper

This detention takes place within the context of a bloody war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, causing massacres and thousands of victims

In Movement Newsletter

10 January, 2024

Get to know the IPA and its process – Newsletter ‘In Movement’ 1 (2024)

We start the year by inviting you to get to know and support our process of coordination, mass mobilizations, solidarity among peoples, and anti-imperialist struggles