Solidarity with the people of Swaziland: stop the attacks against democratic leaders
The International Peoples’ Assembly (IPA) has learnt with great alarm of the brutal arson attack and total destruction of the home of the President of the People’s United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO), Mlungisi Makhanya, in Swaziland in the early hours of 20 September 2022.
According to a statement released by PUDEMO, this is part of a broader attack “to target and burn down the homes of leaders of the Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) and to assassinate them”. This follows a long string of state repression and human rights violations exercised by the monarchy of King Mswati III.
As the IPA, we vehemently condemn this and all attacks, harassment and intimidation of the people of Swaziland by the monarchy as a blatant violation of basic human and political freedoms. Our political platform is very clear that peoples’ sovereignty and democracy are core pillars of our work and must be defended from Western Sahara and Morocco to Swaziland!
We call on all peace and freedom loving people to stand in solidarity with the people of Swaziland and to amplify their call for democracy. We reiterate the call of PUDEMO, “The value we attach to our material possessions is ephemeral, but the value we attach to our noble struggle is permanent.”
The International Peoples’ Assembly stands with PUDEMO and all those fighting for the true liberation of Swaziland from despotic rule.
Victory is certain!