IPA Women’s Group on November 25th

November 15th, 2023
The Women’s Group of the International Peoples’ Assembly calls all conscientious people worldwide and popular organizations, to stand against the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and to prosecute the war crimes being committed against the Palestinian people.
For more than 36 days, over 2 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been subjected to systematic genocide by the Zionist occupation army, using internationally prohibited weapons such as cluster bombs and phosphorus to target children, women, and civilians, with collaboration from global imperialist powers, led by the United States.
The occupation has destroyed all residential neighborhoods in Gaza, resulting in the death of more than 11,200 Palestinians, including 4,600 children, 3,100 women, and 650 elderly people. Additionally, 29,000 have been injured, with over 2,700 people still under the rubble, including 1,400 children. About 1.5 million people have been displaced in the besieged Gaza Strip, and hundreds of thousands of civilians remain trapped in the northern Gaza Strip.
34% of Gaza’s hospitals are no longer functioning as a result of the bombing and siege, and 65% of primary health care centers were closed as a result of the bombing and lack of fuel. In addition, 189 health personnel were martyred, more than 100 were injured, and 50 ambulances were damaged, including 25 that were completely out of service. In addition to the martyrdom of 47 journalists, the Israeli bombing destroyed more than 50 media headquarters in the Gaza Strip.
The systematic genocide in Gaza and the continuous bombing of cities in the West Bank is the latest in a 75-year-old Zionist campaign waged against the Palestinian people, which involves not only the destruction of Gaza with the deadly Israeli arsenal but also the deprivation of the most basic elements of life, including water, food, medicine, and fuel.
The volume of shells fired by the occupation and its army on Gaza has surpassed the force of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. Today, they are besieging hospitals and exterminating every source of life in Gaza, having targeted ambulances, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) centers, schools, bakeries, places of worship, and water tanks, cutting off the internet and means of communication and even threatening to use nuclear weapons.
This offensive is achieved through a brutal siege imposed by a Nazi war machine, engaging in systematic genocide in an attempt to displace the rightful landowners and eliminate those waging the Palestinian struggle. These are crimes against humanity that will remain a stain on the conscience of a significant part of the world, which either stands helpless, watches, or provides justification and support for the daily massacres committed by the Zionist entity. These actions– and inactions– disregard all international laws, agreements, conventions, and rules set up to protect civilians, criminalize genocide, and prevent blockades that starve the population.
The Israeli army and the Israeli Prison Service have been implementing an unprecedented policy of terrorism and suppression since October 7th against Palestinian prisoners. The oppression extends beyond the arrest of more than 2,300 detainees, including children, women, and released prisoners. They have been subjected to violence, torture, and humiliation during their detention and interrogation, leading to the death of three prisoners. The total number of prisoners in Israeli prisons has exceeded 7,000, who are subject to unprecedented repressive measures directed by the Israeli Minister of Security, fascist Ben Gvir. These measures include denying their basic rights, isolating them from the outside world, and using them as bargaining chips in future negotiations regarding prisoner exchanges.
In light of this, we make this call to all people worldwide, along with all forces of freedom and humanity, and every conscientious person in the world who is angered by the genocide unfolding on television screens before the eyes of the entire world. To those who are pained by the sight of the remains of Gaza’s children under the rubble torn apart by Israeli weaponry, we call on you to sign this appeal and protest in the name of your organisations so that we may send a unified message demanding an end to the genocide of the Palestinian people, their displacement, and the immediate delivery of aid and relief materials to put an end to one of the greatest crimes against humanity in the current century.
For every passing minute, dozens of children pay the price of their lives under the brutal bombardment of the Zionist occupation army. Let the world not only respond with condemnation and denunciation but unite to stop this monstrous war, save what remains of our humanity, support the right of the Palestinian people to establish their free and independent state, and demand the filing of legal actions before the International Criminal Court. These actions should address the intent of genocide, incitement to genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes committed by the Zionist entity in the Gaza Strip.
In conclusion, we call on all progressive and democratic forces worldwide to:
- Sign this declaration, as organizations by sending their organization name and country to [email protected].
- To highlight the Palestinian cause during activities held on November 25th – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – and display solidarity with women in Palestine.
- Palestinian Working Women’s Committees.
- Association for the Development of Palestinian Rural Women.
- Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees.
- Palestinian People’s Party.
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
- Center for Feminist Studies – Palestine.
- Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development – Palestine.
- Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling – Palestine
- Palestinian Democratic Women’s Organization.
- Syrian Women’s League.
- Office of Working Women, Federation of Iraqi Trade Unions.
- Women’s Trade Union Forum.
- Lebanese Committee for Women’s Rights.
- Bahrain Women’s Association.
- Maghreb Coordination of Human Rights Organizations.
- Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights.
- Musawa Organization – Tunisia
- Workers Party – Tunisia.
- Union of the Unemployed of Tunisia
- Union of Young Communists of Tunisia.
- Women’s Sector of the Workers’ Democratic Way Party – Morocco.
- Moroccan Association of Progressive Women
- Women’s Association of the city of Hamad – Bahrain.
- Women’s Forum for Equality and Development in Northern Morocco.
- Association of Citizenship, Tangier – Morocco.
- Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA).
- Bahrain Women’s Union.
- Jane’s Association for Women – Lebanon.
- – Women’s Committee of the Jordanian Federation of Independent Trade Unions.
- Jordanian Agricultural Workers Union.
- Democratic Rand Women’s League – Jordan.
- Social Aid Association – Lebanon.
- Solidarity Association for Social and Cultural Development – Lebanon.
- Center for Humanitarian Development – Alwan, Lebanon.
- Tunisian Mediterranean Center.
- Union of Women’s Action Committees – Palestine.
- Mothers School – Palestine.
- Palestinian Initiative to Deepen Global Dialogue and Democracy – Palestine.
- Musawa Association – Wardet Boutros – Lebanon.
- Women’s Political and Civil Groups – Sudan.
- Center for Gender Studies – Sudan.
- Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Morocco (ASDOM) – France.
- Arab Women Association – Jordan.
- Khiam Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture.
- Global Network for the Defense of the Palestinian People.
- Sudanese Women’s Union.
- No to Oppression Against Women Initiative.
- Hamilton Women (Sudanese Women Group – Canada).
- Union of Palestinian Working Women’s Committees – Lebanon Branch.
- Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Andalusia – Spain.
- Bread and Freedom Party, under establishment – Egypt.
- Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering.
- Lebanese Communist Party / Women’s Office.
- Women Against War in Sudan.
- Libertarian Left Feminist Front – Chile.
- CODEPINK – United States.
- General Federation of Iraqi Trade Unions.
- Gender with Class Foundation – Venezuela.
- Feminist People’s Movement Lydda Franco Farías – Venezuela.
- Violeta Foundation – Venezuela.
- Mycelias Organization – Venezuela.
- – Heroines without Barriers – Venezuela.
- Feminist Collective Commander Argelia Laya – Venezuela.
- Women for Life – Feminist Essence – Venezuela.
- Women for Free Software – Venezuela.
- Women’s Circles – Venezuela.
- We Want Us Alive [Vivas Nos Queremos] – Venezuela.
- Nuestra Causa Foundation – Venezuela.
- Center for Social Studies for the Integral Development and Empowerment of Women (Centro de Estudios Sociales para el Desarrollo Integral y el Empoderamiento de la Mujer) – Venezuela.
- Potere al Popolo – Italia.
- Perserikatan Socialist (Socialist Union) – Indonesia.
- All Nepal Women’s Association (Socialist) – Nepal.
- Nodutdol – US
- Socialism and Liberation Party (PSOL) – Brazil.
- Women’s World March – Brazil.
- World March of Women – Kenya.
- Mamma Community Centre – Kenya.
- 5Cs Human Rights Popular Education Collective – Kenya.
- Ceramics and Associated Products Workers of Zimbabwe.
- Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party South Africa.
- Rodrigues Government Employees Association – Rodrigues Island.
- Rodrigues Workers Federation – Rodrigues Island.
- Rodriguan Independence Movement – Rodrigues Island.
- International Socialist Organisation – Zimbabwe.
- Women Concerns Center – Kenya.
- Left Ecosocialist Party Rezistans ek Alternativ – Mauritius.
- Revolutionary Communist Party of Ivory Coast.
- Network of Rural Women Producers of Trinidad and Tobago.
- Network of Non Governmental Organisations of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women.
- Decolonial Feminist Collective, Atlanta – USA.
- Solidaritas Net – Indonesia.
- Nodutdol – United States.
- North American Center for Human Rights.
- Jordanian Women’s Democratic League (RAND).
- Moroccan Women against Political Detention.
- National Union of Women – Lebanon.
- Association of Working Women – Lebanon.
- Family Rights Network – Lebanon.
- Lebanese Union for Child Welfare.
- Women’s Charitable Association – North Lebanon.
- Women Without Borders – Lebanon Chapter.
- Civilian Women’s Group – Iraq.
- Cultural Wealth Foundation in Iraq.
- Iraqi Center for Labor Culture.
- Iraqi Feminist Uprising Movement.
- Iraqi Democratic Youth Union.
- Women’s Sector / Jordanian Communist Party.
- Palestinian Forum Against Violence.
- Feminist Action Union – Palestine.
- Kuwaiti Progressive Movement
- Road Transportation Worker’s Union – Turkey