Israeli PM Netanyahu is isolated on the world stage as he continues genocidal war on Palestine and the region

Today, September 27th, War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a mostly empty room in the United Nations General Assembly to try to reclaim the narrative on the genocidal Israeli war on Palestine and Lebanon. 

The United Nations was created as a forum for peace and cooperation amongst the countries of the world, ideas that Netanyahu is working directly against. Over the past year, this body has tried in vain to hold Israel and its sponsor, the United States, responsible for the horrific war crimes, human rights violations, and violations of UN norms and international law that it has committed against the Palestinian people and the people of the region. 

While this genocidal war rages on, Israel also faces a crisis of legitimacy and credibility like never before in its history.

Netanyahu’s tone was bellicose, threatening and aggressive. Using a mix of biblical terms and references, the continued characterization of the resistance as a savage curse, the speech was clearly directed at a western audience, with a racist us vs. them narrative. The address exemplifies clearly the polarization of western civilization vs. the global and anti-imperialist South that the war on Palestine has underscored.

While Israel and Netanyahu insist on a narrative that posits them as victims to a murderous, aggressive, and cursed Arab population, the address was contradictory. In declaring that “there is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach and that is true for all of the Middle East”, he reveals the eminently aggressive and vengeful nature of the Zionist State.

Netanyahu’s statement makes it abundantly clear that Israel has no intention of ending the war and agreeing to a ceasefire anytime soon. Claiming its objectives to be the complete elimination of Hamas, Hezbollah and the terminal weakening of Iran, Yemen, Iraq and Syria, it is evident that Israel is trying to rally support for a protracted and regional war.

While Netanyahu claimed confidently that Israel is advancing triumphantly, the Zionist State is more isolated than it has ever been. More than half of the delegates in the General Assembly chamber walked out in protest when Netanyahu’s speech began. Ahead of his address, thousands of people protested on the streets of New York City calling for his arrest and an end to the genocide, as millions of people have been doing for the past year across the world. It is clear that Israel is no closer to reclaiming the narrative and that their US-sponsored genocidal war is creating a stark polarization that isolates US imperialism and its allies.